Star ruler 2 resources microlite
Star ruler 2 resources microlite

star ruler 2 resources microlite

It's said that it tunnels down into the belly of the Barrow, where the long dead of the long, long ago are buried. ok, and the high chimney of the Bunker of Boris. (point to player) where does Baron Boris III Borisov live?

star ruler 2 resources microlite star ruler 2 resources microlite

Anyway it's spires jut up and also the peak of the. The Temple of the Saint Kick Starter, who could start any chariot of the long long ago, even the Speed Demon V8, with a single kick. Salami w.R.: I don't know! It's just not Kickstarter! īelhak (the Backstabber): it looks like it's going to be Kickstarter Royale w.C.: Well, the other guy is the Cultist of Indigogo. perched like a crown with it's white ring wall on top of an ancient Barrow from long long ago. Me: after an (roll d6, comes up 5 not 1) uneventful voyage up the valley from Mostova you approach the little city of Gomilsk. Missing: Blanche de Namur, a warrior, the Necromancer Lawyer (forgot the name), another Warrior, another ThiefĪnd here's a blow-by-blow account of how a hospital robbed, to give an impression of play style. I don't really fully comprehend my players anymore, but oh well.Ĭrew: Belhak the Backstabber, Todd Odd "the Doc", Quinn Medicine Woman, Royale wit Cheese (bounty hunter), Salami et Rocquefort (bounty hunter).

  • They learned that the difference between tsarists and wildlings was some very difficult to measure differences in average nose angle and face width-to-height ratios and about two bars of soap, hedge shears and less childhood malnutrition,.
  • Lots of the PCs had a chit chat bribe session with the underbaronesses' butler, Herr Snoor,.
  • Royale got a letter of introduction to Count Rudolf of Rudvik,.
  • They accepted the Count Mostar's grudging suggestion that he would accept a wishing orb for his curse-marked son,.
  • The whole group went to the Funky Badger Karaoke,.
  • Todd Odd the Doc did some dental work at the hospital,.
  • achieved a 400 golden goat reward posted on the head of somebody who looks suspiciously like Belhak the Backstabber.
  • Quinn got a lead on the whereabouts of her missing cat Sparklebutts, taken north by a filthy wildling,.
  • Todd Odd accepted a quest from Mongo Muti of the Cult of Indigogo to stop the Heresiarch of the Ultramarine cult in Vrelez,.
  • Belhak assassinated underbaroness Izolda of Gomilsk,.
  • Hi John the Cultist stayed with Salami as his follower.
  • Todd Odd, Royale and Salami purchased ice lice infested mine,.
  • Here's a quick rundown of what happened at the table this week: Interestingly, I've found my games get better the less effort I put into my maps because I'm less invested in the artifact and materiality of the place - the unfolding adventure and gaming with friends becomes the heart of the product, not the map itself. Getting "really" lost is when you head off the node map.

    star ruler 2 resources microlite

    Getting lost is assumed to be included in that wasted time. In bad weather or terrain, a survival check determines if the travel is successful (so, potentially, a journey that should take 4 hours could end up really long if the PCs roll really badly).


    Full lines for cart-accessible routes, dashed lines for feet only, dotted for perilous terrain where you want a mule and don't bring along Grampappy MacDwarf, 'cos he's got a gimpy leg.Įach node is approximately 4 hours travel from another one, so a day's travel is two steps. I trimmed a few of the more egregiously boring ones and made a few more loops. OK, so that map started off the whole thread. I ruminated and then spent about 10 minutes redrawing the point-crawl on A3 for my players to scribble on, spill food and drinks on.Īnybody else notice that blogger html composer editing is really poor at layout? The consensus was that I was being silly and didn't have a problem, that there weren't too many and that if I thought some were boring, I could just use them to have bad stuff happen there. Valleys, rivers, winter, artifacts.Ī few days ago I was reviewing my point crawl and felt it had too many points. The background to this session is basically this whole blog. I posted about it on Google+ and the post got long and then folks suggested I blog it so. We played our 40th session yesterday night and I learned a few things.

    Star ruler 2 resources microlite